Achievements and experience
Achievements and experience that really makes me feel so happy and proud was when I won a national scientific paper competition PKM-GT in 2010. I wrote my scientific paper with my team and succeed become TOP 120 national level of Indonesia by setting aside nearly 6000 scientific paper from various universities throughout Indonesia. This makes me feel very satisfied and happy because to get this accomplishment requires hard working and big struggle and need much time.
Actually I don’t well about this competition. Because I just know about this competition since I entered in IPB. However, I formed a group which is the come from same area with me in Kerinci to joint this race, and we all were beginner in this competition.
The process for it isn’t as easy as we imagine . Many obstacles we have encountered, from the trouble to find ideas, lack of reference materials, and also the difficulties to divide the time between lectures and doing the task which given by college lecturer.
After discussion , we decided to write about the lives of street children who do require resolution of their problems. Then we decided to give title of our scientific paper "POALA (Potret Anak Jalanan ) Membangun Kepribadian Bangsa
During the process finishing this scientific paper, I reduce my rest and sleep time. I even slept only 2-4 hours a day for almost a week to be able to do this scientific paper as perfect without having to forget the tasks given college lecturer. After finishing it we met our academic advisor for getting advice.
After finishing our paper we collect it to student affair IPB. and guess what, I was called by them , to repair our paper. We are required repair the format of it. For the first improvement we still feel excited, but it turns out we need to fix up to 5 times due to the committee of IPB thing there's always a wrong. we almost give up . Until finally after 5 times repair before it received by IPB to be sent to the Directorate of Higher Education.(DIKTI).
After waiting for 6 months, the winners were announced by the Higher Education via the Internet. How happy we are . We become TOP 120 in Indonesia from the amount of nearly 6000 paper. This is what makes me very proud because the struggle to achieve is very hard. But it all paid with a graduation announcement from DIKTI
Actually I don’t well about this competition. Because I just know about this competition since I entered in IPB. However, I formed a group which is the come from same area with me in Kerinci to joint this race, and we all were beginner in this competition.
The process for it isn’t as easy as we imagine . Many obstacles we have encountered, from the trouble to find ideas, lack of reference materials, and also the difficulties to divide the time between lectures and doing the task which given by college lecturer.
After discussion , we decided to write about the lives of street children who do require resolution of their problems. Then we decided to give title of our scientific paper "POALA (Potret Anak Jalanan ) Membangun Kepribadian Bangsa
During the process finishing this scientific paper, I reduce my rest and sleep time. I even slept only 2-4 hours a day for almost a week to be able to do this scientific paper as perfect without having to forget the tasks given college lecturer. After finishing it we met our academic advisor for getting advice.
After finishing our paper we collect it to student affair IPB. and guess what, I was called by them , to repair our paper. We are required repair the format of it. For the first improvement we still feel excited, but it turns out we need to fix up to 5 times due to the committee of IPB thing there's always a wrong. we almost give up . Until finally after 5 times repair before it received by IPB to be sent to the Directorate of Higher Education.(DIKTI).
After waiting for 6 months, the winners were announced by the Higher Education via the Internet. How happy we are . We become TOP 120 in Indonesia from the amount of nearly 6000 paper. This is what makes me very proud because the struggle to achieve is very hard. But it all paid with a graduation announcement from DIKTI